Urology consultation

The heart is one of the most important organs of man. Everyone knows that it is he who is under the greatest burden, so it is not surprising that with the modern rhythm of life, a huge number of people experience problems with the heart and blood vessels.

The heart supplies blood to all organs of the body, nourishes them and provides energy. When your heart refuses to work, anything can become the reason.

Forms a wide range of diagnostic and medical capabilities for the treatment of all types of cardiovascular diseases. The breadth of knowledge and many years of experience make it possible to quickly and accurately formulate a diagnosis and provide effective treatment – even in complex cardiological cases.

A cardiologist should seek medical advice not only in case of any pain in the chest area, or in the event of a heart rhythm. Symptoms such as swelling on the legs, shortness of breath, intolerance to the load, increased blood pressure, head circulation, fainting also lead to a possible disease of the cardiovascular system.

Make an Appointment

Do not put off until tomorrow the problems that need to be addressed today, especially if it concerns your health!
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Wichtige Mitteilung

Liebe Patientinnen und Patienten, 

unsere Praxis ist vom 16. Dezember 2024 bis zum 5. Januar 2025 geschlossen. 
In dieser Zeit können Rezeptwünsche, die über die Hotline
oder per E-Mail eingehen, leider nicht bearbeitet werden. 

In Notfällen wenden Sie sich bitte an: 

Notaufnahme Evangelisches Krankenhaus
Kirchfeldstraße 40
40217 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0211 9190 

Dr. med. Bernhard Hoff
Graf-Adolf-Straße 59
40210 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0211 362330

Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis und wünschen Ihnen
eine angenehme Weihnachtszeit sowie einen guten Start ins neue Jahr! 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Ihr Praxisteam
